
Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan

An integrated Solid Waste Management Plan is a comprehensive waste reduction, collection, recycling, composting, and disposal program. An effective plan considers how to reduce, recycle, and manage solid waste in the most efficient ways and gain economical benefits while protecting the human health and the environment.
o Establish waste reduction programs
o Establish recycling and composting programs
o Improve efficiency on waste collection and transport
o Determine waste disposal alternatives
o Establish public outreach programs
o Establish public policy and pass laws on solid waste management standards and practices.
o Identify sources that can provide funding for solid waste management
o Calculate the initial capital investment requirements and long term operating and maintenance costs
associated with the various waste management activities.
o Evaluate activities based on effectiveness in handling waste and potential for job creation.

Waste Characterization, Generation and composition Studies

This Study is designed to provide updated solid waste composition and quantity results for evaluation of current conditions. These waste characterization results will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of solid waste disposal within each of the waste streams and jurisdictions. The primary objectives os this Study are:
o Provide updated composition data
o Compare the current composition and quantity data with previous studies to identify changes within each
waste stream and measure the effect of previously implemented waste reduction programs
o Identify potential specific waste streams to be targeted for future waste reduction programs.

Study results could:
o Enhance existing solid waste programs
o Evaluate current solid waste conditions or trends
o Evaluate options and establish goals for waste diversion programs

Landfill Siting Evaluations

Landfill Siting Evaluations identifies geological factors to ensure landfills are built in suitable geological areas away from faults, wetlands, flood plains, or other restricted areas. Also, transport distances, and projected waste generation are landfill siting considerations.

Waste management specific health and safety Programs

It is known that waste management is at the top of the most dangerous industrial activities. A poor safety record is detrimental for the credibility of your organization and could also become a significant financial impact.

Environmental Liability

Pollution Insurance

Efficiency Management (Landfill, MRF, Collection Operations)

Efficiency is directly related to the bottom line of the organization. They can be measured through Key Performance Indicators (KPI). KPIs evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity in which it engages.These performance indicators act as pointers to changes needed in strategic directions. We just don’t help your organization implement these KPIs. We help you follow up with the progress.

These are some of the services provided:

• Determine what equipment and training will be necessary to perform the waste management tasks.
• Facility designs, improvements and technology upgrades
• Waste management and disposal tax structures (national and municipal)
• Privatization of municipal waste management and disposal operations
• Composting programs
• Liquid waste management and Solidification facilities
• Bio-reactor landfills design
• Operating plans
• Liner design and installation
• Construction quality assurance
• Closure post-closure plans
• Financial assurance plans
• Design and construction of landfill gas and collection systems
• Design and construction of leachate collection systems
• Economic policies
• Public relations. Public outreach and education programs
• Waste reduction plans
• Service reduction plans
• Odor control plans
• Mitigation plans
• Diversion policies
• Collection and route optimization
• Market analysis and feasibility studies
• Fleet maintenance programs
• Construction and demolition facilities
• Disaster debris management
• Waste management laws, policies and regulations
• Permitting Services – Waste Management, Transportation and Disposal facilities
• Legislative Services and Legal Opinions